Automatic composition

In this workshop, students explore how, even without musical talent and with the help of mathematical models, they can compose their own songs that sound similiar to the songs of their favorite artists. During the workshop, the students experience the relevance of numerous school mathematical contents for problems from their everyday life. In addition, they develop a method for recognizing certain patterns in well-known songs, with the help of which they finally compose a new song of their own. The students not only learn about the background of automatic composition, but also about artificial intelligence in music and the importance of mathematics for applications in this field.

Duration: 2 hours
Contents: Markov chains, concept of probability
Previous knowledge: absolute und relative, conditional probability, probability distributions
Target group: Mathematics courses from 10th grade
Created by: Philipp Beyer, Stephanie Hofmann
RegistrationAppointments can be made individually via this form.

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The interactive learning material can be accessed via the online platform How to create an account on the platform and use the material is explained in this video. In addition accompanying material is provided for teachers on the online platform, which can be accessed via a password that can be requested by e-mail.