How do spam filters actually work and what does this have to do with maths?

Who doesn't know it: The mailbox is full of spam messages of all kinds. These unwanted mails can be filtered automatically with the help of mathematics. For this purpose the incoming mails are sorted into two different classes "Spam" and "Ham".

In the workshop, we will get to know and use Bayes' theorem to create a spam filter together and test it with real mails.

Duration: from 3 hours
Contents: handling data, two-stage random experiments, classification
Previous knowledge: relative and absolute frequencies, conditional probabilities, two-stage random experiments
Target group: Mathematics courses from grade 10
Created by: Jonathan Kantz, Stephanie Hofmann
Registration: Appointments can be made individually using this form.


The interactive learning material can be accessed via the online platform How to create an account on the platform and use the material is explained in this video. In addition, accompanying material is provided for teachers on the online platform, which can be accessed via a password that can be requested by e-mail.